Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Halloween was a bit of a flop in our house this year. We all came down with a nasty cold in the week preceding and this combined with the fact that we were all set to move house the following day meant I pretty much abandoned any ideas of elaborate decorating to the point where *gasp* I didn't even carve a pumpkin! Anyone who knows me will understand the seriousness of that statement, I do like my pumpkins! To make matters worse my box of ready to go halloween decorations are locked away in a storage unit in Tofino :( On a positive note, my Mum was with us and we made a mad dash to Walmart as soon as we felt healthy enough to at least get the kids some costumes. Seb was all set to be a skeleton and I had a vague plan to buy a black track suit and sew some white bones onto it, that is until he saw the Buzz Lightyear costume. He was adamant, I was easily swayed by the thought of not having to sew anything and so it was To Infinity and Beyond!

With the help of a little face paint and his Buzz laser arm (a previous present from Auntie Cake) I think it wasn't too poor of a costume after all! He was so excited to go to school in full costume and my Mum and I loved dropping him off and seeing a whole crowd of little kindy's all dressed up! The school put on a Halloween parade and it was without a doubt the highlight of my month! The whole school paraded in the Gym to the banging tunes of Ghostbusters and Monster Mash and Seb's little (and by that point very smeared face) was just beaming with happiness and pride as he strutted past Nana, Bel and I! It was so much fun!

The idea of trying to persuade the kids to dress as some kind of cute double act was short lived, if I'd had time to think about it I would probably have tried to dress Bel as Woody but they're usually not too keen on anything but their own ideas and Bel had fallen in love with this giraffe costume. Literally she carried it around hugging it for a day before even putting it on. I actually quite like the sheer randomness of Buzz and his pet giraffe and think it reflects the haphazard nature of our family quite nicely. 

True to form, by the time evening fell on All Hallows Eve Seb had changed his mind once again.  By removing his Buzz suit to reveal his black thermals and a quick embellishment of the already smudged face makeup we managed to turn him into a decent cat burglar. Luckily we happened to have some broken hancuffs laying around (don't ask!). One canvas shopping bag and marker pen later...we had a swag bag to boot!
A giraffe and a burglar...
This is how we trick or treated for about 15 minutes before nearly freezing to death and heading home to snaffle our loot. Halloween. Done. 

1 comment:

Neil said...

Greetings from England.
I'm catching up on your old posts and I just hit this one. Awesome Buzz costume! I just laughed out loud at the eyebrows. Brilliant.

Incidentally what lens do you use, it's awesome.