Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Neil original recipe........lucky me!

Prosciutto wrapped pork with an apple and clove compote....mmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The One-Armed Chef.....

Apparently even a big heavy cast on his arm doesn't stop Neil from cooking. Here he is rolling out dough and making pasta pretty much one handed....and it's his left hand he's using! I did offer to help and he did take me up on my offer to an extent but it probably didn't help that I had to keep stopping to take pictures:) Anyway, one handed or not Neil has cooked up some delicious Italian stuff for us the last couple of days....his fresh pasta was a first and really good and the pizza dough seems to have been tweaked to perfection now.........mmmmmmmm!

Neil's perfect dough!

Proper mozzarella! Not the typical plasticy canadian kind.

One happy customer!

Mummy and Daddy get out for a playdate.....

We packed up early, dropped the kids at Mandy and Kelly's in their p.j's and headed to the Rockies for a day of fun in the snow. One moderate concussion and a broken wrist later we all returned home and were happy to see or comfy beds! Despite all injuries it was a really good day and I hope we get to go back soon.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My monkey's this morning......

Wow! Sometimes I'm floored by how gorgeous my kids are. I guess that's how all Mummy's must feel about their kiddies....but seriously, mine are GORGEOUS! :)

Belly's finally figured out how to crawl on her hands rather than her forearms. Now we just gotta get her walking!

Her scar is looking pretty good these days. Well, I do slather the poor girl in Bio oil everyday.

Seb did some face painting. Looks like a bindi gone wrong.