Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pay Back For Sophie!

Yesterday I felt kinda bad, Suprising Sophie with a skydive was probably not the best thing in the world to do. Apparently you cant just spring these crazy ideas on people and expect them to jump out of a plane from 11000 ft up with only five minutes notice.

Sooooooooo, I decided to suprise Sophie again with something she loves, and something I hate! I dont really like horses, mainly beacuse they are bigger than me and they bite. I booked a horse riding trip for myself and Sophie by the river North of Edmonton.

I Dont know if this is a horse that was naughty.

Sophie and her horse.

I was hoping that no one would catch on. Maybe just maybe I could ride this instead, come on horsy lets go and have a ride.Dam didnt work.......This is the real Horse called Thunder! I dont know why, no one would tell me either! Hi HO
Pretty Big Eh? I look relaxed dont I. I wasnt, let me jump out of that plane over this any day.

Sophie very relaxed in her own world riding along peacfully.

And again, while I was fumbling behind trying to hold onto thunder and take pictures at the same time.

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