Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mmmm cosy!

We finally got some furniture for our spare bedrooms. The one above is my mums rooms and the one below is Kate and Paul/Winnies room (not altogether of course!)....I think they both look pretty cosy!


Anonymous said...

What a lot of BOLLOCKS AND, all this is all very well BUT, wheres my Bed? as One of the three bears said!!! A little bit of snow, well, well well! Just wait till its up to your armpits and doogs has vanished, think about that folks!! Otherwise nice update AND you PLONKER how about an email or something, or must I come there and give you o good spanking!?! DAD++++

Anonymous said...

This bed thing looks like trouble !!
Its gonna be bigger than "Than the take of your veil " argument here in the UK. ( u foreigners wont understand)
But apart from that all here is good in the UK ~~~Missing you~~~
Have you got your parcel yet dude !! ( Nothing in there for dougie) By the way miss S the printer has died and we are trying to rescue the man XX Will keep you posted. " MAN GETS TRAPPED ON PRINTER!!! RESCUE SERVICES TRY TO FREE HIM etc etc
Wax those boards dudes we got a white out !!!! i see snow forecast

