Monday, October 16, 2006

Hello there! Neil here, I thought I would add a coment while at work.

I woke up this morning and realised that the ground had about a centimetre of snow on it!!!! Doogy couldnt believe it, i opened the door for him to go and do his business and he looked at me just before he ventured out and I swear he said a swear word! It was so funny, he ran out onto the grass did his thing and then ran as fast as he could back to the door, Just as he approached the back door he skidded in an attempt to stop and slammed straight into the deck banister and flipped onto his back. I was crying, he was ok, a little shocked. If only I had a picture of that.

I will try to take some snaps of the snow, but I dont think it is going to stay. This is just a taster. Doogs will be happy!

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