Sunday, October 29, 2006


I can't BELIEVE it! Guess who has come to visit along with my mum and Winnie......................

......and I didn't suspect a thing!

Well, we all had a lovely time in the mountains and headed back up here to Beaumont on Friday. More or less as soon as we arrived it started to snow and still hasn't stopped! Here are a few pics from the mountain trip and then a few in the snow back home......


Winnie and my Mummy.

Me and my stick on a hike around the lake.

Neil trying to skim stones.

Back at the lodge, mmmmm a nice cold beer and a warm fire, lovely!

Neil turns into a shovel brandishing snow-ninja and I try to protect myself with a errr....carrott!?

Rosey cheeks!

Katarina and Neil in the snow at Doogs off leash park.

The first snowman!

Doog and his snowy nose.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pumpkin time....

I'm so 1 1/2 days my mum and Winnie arrive!Yey! We're going to the mountains for a couple of days, yipeeee! It's nearly Halloween ( I love Halloween!) and then it's my birthday! I just don't think I can handle all this excitement!

On Saturday night we had an unexpected visit from Hunter. He came over to chill with Neil in front of the computer while his mummy and daddy made a quick visit to the doctor. Well, Neil of course had to show him the delights of the internet so they downloaded a few nursery rhymes and then checked out some hot bitches.

After our visit from Hunter we went out to a bar called the Urban Lounge in Edmonton with Erin (Hi Erin!) a friend of mine from my new work. We got to meet her little kitty (hi kipper!) before we went out. He's a cutie but a little smelly! We had a really good time, apart from the fact that I accidentally had a few too many drinks (whooops) and spent Sunday suffering from a nasty hangover.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I decided to go all cheesy and have now got my name plastered on my car. What do you think?





Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just some stuff...

Well, not too much has happened today, just went to work, came home, had some dinner...usual stuff really. I got to speak to my mum on skype which was quite exciting! She's only just got it all sorted out. Anyway I think we have quite a few people reading our blog these days (hello Winnie and battle friends! Hello Mandy's mum! and of course hello to all the usual blog readers!) So I thought I'd stick on a couple of photos just for fun.
P.S Its only 5 days now until Winnie and my mummy come to visit WooooooooHoooooooo! We can't wait!
Doog and his alligator toy.

Doog and Neil, probably looking for hot bitches on the internet.

Hmmm, this is the foosball table that was supposed to be moved into the basement before thanksgiving!!

And here you can see Neil's pride and joy.....his TV! He's done a very good job of mounting it up onto the wall and hiding all the cables. Looks good eh?



A few mesaages I thought I would post on this blog.... Firstly to GERRY GENTRY! Gerry thanks so much for the emails I feel like at least one person from the Met thinks of me. As for the rest of you, Especially SAVAGE. Thanks for all the emails NOT!!!

Gerry Hope all is well with you and keep the emails comming i enjoy reading them.

Secondally! DAD, instead of abusive messgaes left on here I suggest you use that funny looking thing that is on the table, you know the thing that is connected to the wall, has a few numbers on it and a reciever that can be placed against your ear, sometimes it makes a ringing noise, and CALL ME. It costs 1 cent a minute man!

For all those that are reading this my dad appears to have a problem spending a CENT a minute to talk to his son that is miles and miles away, Oh by the way that is a Maltease CENT which is about 2 pence!

I may delete this message once the relevant people read this..... So leave a comment

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mmmm cosy!

We finally got some furniture for our spare bedrooms. The one above is my mums rooms and the one below is Kate and Paul/Winnies room (not altogether of course!)....I think they both look pretty cosy!

Monday, October 16, 2006

First Snow!

Here's Doog skidding around on the deck. After his initial shock and accidental slide into the railings, he seemed quite excited and kept trying to eat the snow!

Here's Neil testing out his new "emergency beacon"......yes thats the pink thing between his legs.
Doog and some snowflakes.

Neil and some snowflakes.

And here's me looking at the wonderful white stuff that I'm sure I won't find so fascinating in 5 months time!

Hello there! Neil here, I thought I would add a coment while at work.

I woke up this morning and realised that the ground had about a centimetre of snow on it!!!! Doogy couldnt believe it, i opened the door for him to go and do his business and he looked at me just before he ventured out and I swear he said a swear word! It was so funny, he ran out onto the grass did his thing and then ran as fast as he could back to the door, Just as he approached the back door he skidded in an attempt to stop and slammed straight into the deck banister and flipped onto his back. I was crying, he was ok, a little shocked. If only I had a picture of that.

I will try to take some snaps of the snow, but I dont think it is going to stay. This is just a taster. Doogs will be happy!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Our first Thanksgiving......

and Hunters first Thanksgiving. We woke up to a frosty morning which made it feel kind of like Christmas! The Olstad family provided the turkey and some carrots and potatoes which had been grown in Kelly's mum's garden and Neil did all the cooking. I peeled all the veggies and decorated the table so all in all it was a good team effort! We ate until we could eat no more then played a couple of games on Neil's new foosball table, then all collapsed in front of the TV. It was just what I was expecting Thanksgiving to be! We learnt a couple of things today, fistly we learnt that pumpkin pie is surprisingly tasty! Secondly we learnt that in Canada people don't put cream on their deserts unless it's whipped, with vanilla and sugar! Mandy and Kelly thought we were pretty odd for suggesting we have just plain cream, apparently it's like covering your desert with milk. Anyway they were persuaded to try it with their pie and I'm glad to say that I think they liked it. Anyway here are some photos, starting with how the table looked before we ate.......

Here's Doog helping peel some potatoes.....

Hunter arrives wearing the little ghost outfit we bought him!

Kelly carves the turkey...........
Hunter joins us at the table..........

Neil..... errr..... looking thankful....

And heres the table after we ate, there was so much food left over we'll being eating turkey sandwiches for weeks!
Neil and Kelly have a Thanksgiving foosball game....

And Hunter, having changed into a new outfit after pukeing on the other one.....

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pay Back For Sophie!

Yesterday I felt kinda bad, Suprising Sophie with a skydive was probably not the best thing in the world to do. Apparently you cant just spring these crazy ideas on people and expect them to jump out of a plane from 11000 ft up with only five minutes notice.

Sooooooooo, I decided to suprise Sophie again with something she loves, and something I hate! I dont really like horses, mainly beacuse they are bigger than me and they bite. I booked a horse riding trip for myself and Sophie by the river North of Edmonton.

I Dont know if this is a horse that was naughty.

Sophie and her horse.

I was hoping that no one would catch on. Maybe just maybe I could ride this instead, come on horsy lets go and have a ride.Dam didnt work.......This is the real Horse called Thunder! I dont know why, no one would tell me either! Hi HO
Pretty Big Eh? I look relaxed dont I. I wasnt, let me jump out of that plane over this any day.

Sophie very relaxed in her own world riding along peacfully.

And again, while I was fumbling behind trying to hold onto thunder and take pictures at the same time.