Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Time for a switcheroo...

In case I forgot to mention we're having another kiddy! I put a photo on Instagram but don't think I actually announced our pregnancy news officially on this blog. So there you go, consider it announced! I would post the first ultrasound photo but it's about as bad as one of those could be and resembles a baby in no way what so ever so lets wait until theres a slightly better one shall we? So far pregnancy has been bad. And I mean far worse than I remember it being with either previous baby growing adventure. For the entire first trimester I have been all-day sick and tired. Like wiped out tired! Everything made me feel nauseous even the smell of my own house, I had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth for most of every day that no amount of tooth brushing could get rid of, an extremely weird (for me) insatiable desire to eat salt and vinegar chips/crisps, a complete aversion to tea (shock horror!) and extremely uncomfortable boobs. I will stop right here and make a promise that from here on in personal details about the weird things that happen to me during pregnancy will be kept to myself, poor Neil (who would really rather not hear about it) and my sister who for the most part seems ok with me sharing and can usually give as good as she gets in the "eeew that's nasty!" department. I will try to share the good bits and only the good bits :)
Anyway, baby number three, thus far known as John Mclean (we have no idea if it's a boy or girl, we each came up with an in-utero name and pulled one out of a hat. Neil's vote was John Mclean, as in the  character from the Die Hard movies, his name wasn't chosen but he has been persistent enough with the kids that unfortunately it has stuck, anyway....John Mclean will not be here until April but we decided it was time to move things around in the bedroom department (as if we hadn't done enough of that already!) Bel has not been sleeping well and for the last month or so has been coming up to my room two or three times a night. Her room is downstairs, mine is up. By the time I've walked her down the stairs and tucked her in then walked all the way back up again I'm wide awake. As I said two or three times a night! This has probably been adding to my utter exhaustion of late. She say's she's scared and  sometimes she's been shaking like a leaf and crying. It's not nice. So seeing as how we are going to have to have two kids sharing at some point soon, we decided theres no time like the present and started moving furniture.

The bunks themselves were a major score from Kijiji (the online classified ad service). They cost us $400 and came from someones rather fancy holiday home here in Canmore. They were in his guest room and have been used once or twice. The matresses alone cost him $1700!! They are top of the line squishy, amazing, possibly the most comfy thing I've ever had the pleasure of lying on, REALLY nice matresses! My poor only-ever-slept-on-an-Ikea-mattress body is very jealous. The frame is nice too. I've looked at lots of bunks and most of them are pretty ugly unless you're prepared to pay a fortune. These are nice solid wood in a pleasantly plain and simple design. Isobel is on the bottom and Seb up top which is funny as Bel is teeny tiny and has a full double bed now, a bit of a step up from her old crib size toddler bed! We bought new bedding which I love and have had my eye for a while at Ikea. I though it was nice and gender neutral and not overly kidish if you know what I mean. By each bed I mounted a little shelf (a painted Ikea spice rack) just big enough to hold a book or two, a cup of water and a wind-up flashlight. I painted Seb's bright red and Bel's a pretty blue and think they are just about the best thing since sliced bread! Bels cosy little bed nook is also made all the prettier and girlier by her special bunting. My sister made it for her own wedding in England which we attended with Bel in my tummy and we kept a strand and have had it strung in Bel's room (or rooms here, there and everywhere) ever since. 

Now that it's done I think I do need to work on bringing in something a bit more masculine and grown up for Seb's top half. I will keep you posted. 

The room is small and the bed now takes up most of the space. Toys and playthings have been relegated to Seb's old room which has now become the playroom.  I did keep a bit of Seb's toy storage in the bunk room only because it fits just right and works as the most perfect staircase for reaching the top bunk......

And here's the playroom......

Don't you love Bel's wee rocking crib for her babies? It was another recent Kijiji score. $15 and a bit of sunny yellow paint = one happy 4 year old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah! I feel honoured. *holds up right hand and puts left hand on heart* I hereby promise to ALWAYS listen impartially to your tales of ickiness (and to always try to top trumo them with my own tales of ickiness) and to hereby and from hereforth (?) hence be a solid rock/sponge (depending on which is required) for the aforementioned tales of ick!

Also....... what lovely beautiful, interiors magazine standard kids rooms you have! Mine are full of barbies with dead stares and twisted hair...... chipped painted furniture (and not in a good way)..... little bits of plastic that came from an alternate universe and will never find their way home..... PILES of soft toys abandoned to live a life of dust collecting and solitude..... it's a veritable wasteland i tell you! ( I think I have serious hoarder issues when it comes to the kids' stuff)

That little cot thingy is adorable! I love the colour you have painted it, and the colours of the spice racks too for that matter.

Sorry we haven't skyped for ages. We will try to skype you later.
