Monday, June 18, 2012

Learning new skills is fun.

This is my brand new sewing machine, of course it's not brand new at all it's actually more like 100 years old but to me it's brand-spanking-new! I got it for 90 bucks on Kijiji and let me tell you the old girl works like a dream!

You're probably wondering what on earth would possess me to buy a 100 year old sewing machine on a whim from an online classified ad. Well, here's the thing, a.) I think I have a Kijiji addiction (three stools, one camping stove and a hundred year old sewing machine in a little over a month, oh dear) and b.) learning to sew has been on my mind for a while now, 3 years or so to be precise. It's one of those things that I kept talking myself out of for fear of failing miserably and having wasted lots of money on a machine I wouldn't even be able to switch on. Over the last year I've sort of realized that the only thing stopping me from doing new things is my stupid self imposed limitations. I've also realized that learning to be a bit more self sufficient is something that makes me feel really happy. So I just bought the darned thing!

I did think about getting a bottom of the range new machine, they go for about $150 at Walmart and the like but there were a couple of things that stopped me. For one, those machines are pig ugly! For two, I could only afford a bottom of the range one and frankly if you can't afford a decent one you're going to end up with something pretty cheaply made with mostly plastic components. For three, my sister is a very talented sewist (is that a word) and she whips up all kinds of cool creations with a very similar old Singer to my old gal here.  I consulted her for some advise and decided to go for the old Singer and I'm so happy I did. She is beautiful! I also quite like the idea that my sister and I will be sewing away on our same old sewing machines even though we are continents apart. 
I already had a surprising amount of sewing supplies again thanks to my lovely sister who had made me the nicest sewing kit ever  (see it's beautifullness below) complete with fabric samples and patterns as a birthday present a couple of years ago. So as soon as I got the old girl home I was ready to go. I'm not gonna lie, it took me nearly a whole day to figure out how to thread the needle and wind the bobbin (yeah exactly, "what the hell is a bobbin?" was my first question too), but once I had that mastered I was off!

I've already made actual things! Prepare to be dazzled...........

Thing one is a little felt glasses pouch for Miss Bel's spec's. The opticians had to bend the sides of her glasses so much to hold them onto her little head that the glasses no longer fit into the case they came with. I'm pretty happy with my home made fix for our spectacle problem.

Thing two is a miniature tote bag for Bel, she's obsessed with bags and likes nothing more than to carry about a random selection of goodies. It's just the right size and when I gave it to her she said "I love it mummy!"  I could have cried I was so happy! There's really nothing like the satisfaction you get from making something and having some one else love it :)

Hooray for learning new skills!


Ancient Mariner said...

Wow Sophie just like my Grandmothers both of them and they used Singers too!!! I used to watch with FASCINATION as they sewed both were foot operated!! This has taken me back a few years!!! Another FIRST Sophie, great stuff!!! no more buying childrens clthes haha and your first efforts look really good!!!

Neil and Sophie said...

Thanks Ancient Mariner! I really wish I had inherited mine. The lady who sold it to me said it had belonged to her Grandma and she seemed so pleased that it was going to someone as excited about it as I was. It's nice to have something with a bit of history.