Friday, February 26, 2010

My funny family....

So for the last few days it has been my goal to take some pictures of some of the stuff that really makes me smile. I mentioned in my previous post about trying to get pics of Seb and Bel playing together, I've also been trying to capture some of Seb's quirky habits, like always insisting on having a couple of random toys on his high chair tray or in the bath or in bed. I've taken pictures of Bel's funny little chubby feet swinging around while she eats her dinner. Then there's Seb with no trousers or Seb taking his top of at breakfast...that kind of stuff.

Bwah ha ha! Neil and his silly little teeth made me cry with laughter, I think just because he managed to keep such a straight face.

Miss Pretty just makes me smile because she is so pretty!

No trousers. "Where are your trousers? I ask, "Titchin" he usually replies. And sure enough I will find them on the kitchen floor.

This has become a bit of a frequent occurance.....Seb gets behind these cupboard doors and says "Big!" then shakes his head. He's trying to tell me he's too big to fit into the cupboard but why he needs to demonstrate this so often I don't know!


Love these chubby feet! When she was in the hospital the nurses kept worrying about her feet swelling, I had to keep telling everyone that's just the way they always look.

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