Thursday, November 02, 2006

Back from The mountains

Well we have come back from the mountains and as you can see the snow is rising! The news is that more snow is on the way. The temperature is slowly dropping and my testicles are slowly rising! Wow it is cold. Sophie keeps saying it is not that cold and I should stop exaggerating, but when the thermometer says -18 at night I think that is pretty dam cold. Right now I am sitting here in my warm cosy den typing away and outside is snowy and -6, Its cold, don't listen to hard nut Sophie.
Here are a few additions to the pictures that Sophie had posted as i would like to show you how stupid i looked! I didn't even realise that my fly was open, no wonder my bits where freezing!

This was just before we made the snowman, Sophie looks cold eh? HAHHAHA not cold my a**

OK OK she seems to be dancing now, maybe she is right, I am a baby, look how unimpressed I look while Sophie sings and Skipp's, WEIRDO!

Oh One last photo, Have a look at what I wanted to run over...... they look tasty, although the Trunk/Boot was full of suitcases so I let them live.

Not really for all you vegetarians out there, I was JOKING, Well i am not joking about them tasting good, but I was joking about wanting to run them over. These guys where just standing in the middle of the road staring at the cars as they drove on by, we had to stop and take some photos.

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