Friday, February 27, 2015

Si Si is 10 months old.....

Si has mastered the art of pulling himself up and cruising from one piece of furniture to the next. He has also thankfully become much better at getting back down to floor level without the falling  backwards with big head bumps we were repeatedly dealing with a couple of weeks back. 
We have even witnessed a few moments of completely unsupported balance! Just for a few seconds until he realizes he's not holding on :) 

 He's moved on from the one arm, one leg, wounded soldier crawl and now for the most part goes full speed ahead on all fours. Oh and for the record, as of two days ago, he can climb stairs! Eeeeek! Best get some baby gates up!

A few other cutie Si-isms that I want to remember from this stage......first there's his super - concentration face, mouth wide open, lips pursed forward a bit. This face tells me that he means business and will stop at nothing to accomplish whatever it is he has his mind set on in that moment! We see it a lot! And I'm curious to know if he'll keep making it as he gets older. 

 His cinnamon-bun swirl of the softest, fluffiest red hair against his smooshy soft pale skin. I love that wee swirl! 

The back of his head...that profile, those ears, it just IS my Grandad! So weird and so cute :)

 Here's that concentration face again....

Those big dark dark eyes!

What else? Soft snuffelufagus eyelashes, big smooshy cheeks, the kissable lips! That hair! Oh Silas you are such a cutie and I am the worlds most blessed Mama, three times over! 

1 comment:

the man from the creeks! said...

GREAT pots Sophie. Looks like u have enough to open a shop which is a good idea as you will soon have lots more!!! But well done quite amazing that u have done so much in a short time its called Talent I think! And Silas, well, what can I say he s STUPENDOUS!!!and yes I'm sure he will be a BIG achiever, that's for sure! You and Neil have 3 super kids and Bels party looked super. I think Bel will ACCLIMATISE, haha to pulling wobbly teeth out!!! Even the cake looked good to me!!! Keep it up AND soon, very soon Silas will be WALKING unaided, he is 95% there now!