Friday, December 07, 2012

These two.....

They definitely keep me on my toes! The last few days seem to have been either one extreme or the other with Seb and Isobel. They've been bestest buddies one second then at each others throats the next. Same goes for their moods lately....ecstatically happy, with fits of random laughter and beaming smiles or total, inconsolable, misery guts...with no middle ground!
Simple tasks have been especially difficult this week, popping into the supermarket to grab a couple of things turns into such a task when you've got two seemingly bipolar kiddies liable for example to FLIP OUT in front of the cheese counter and end up writhing on the floor screaming because their leg is itchy. Add to this the essential but super annoyingness of having to force them each into their winter jacket, mitts, boots and hat before heading out the door. Each time its a struggle...for each individual item. Usually there is crying or at the very least whining and then I have to wrangle them into the car whilst trying to avoid surprise snowballs from whoever is not in my grasp. After a 5 minute drive into town I find I have to repeat the whole scenario because each of them has decided to remove every item of clothing they can unbutton or unzip including boots and socks and throw them haphazardly about the back of the car....euggh! It's hard to get things done when something as simple as getting into the car and into town is this much of a palaver!
Of course it's not all negative .......they are so flipping funny! Between the moments of madness and frustration they make me laugh till my cheeks hurt and then they blow me away with their sweetness and sensitivity.  I was having a moment the other day and got a bit upset, it was nothing major but Seb saw the tears welling up in my eyes and came close to me and quietly said "don't cry Mummy, just try not to think about it and you'll feel better."He was so concerned about me and his sweet reassurance made me feel instantly silly for getting upset about anything at all. Even with all their madness and crazy antics, I feel so unbelievably lucky to have these two :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like we've been having the same struggles lately. I feel so stressed out with their craziness lately and then when I shout at them for being naughty I feel so bad because I know their behaviour is mainly due to them being cranky and tired because they've been so sickly. It makes me feel like I'm not being a very good mummy. I can't wait for everyone to be healthy and for us all to get some much needed rest (although we've not sleep properly since having Molly so that seems unlikely). :^( Sorry you're having such a tough time of things. I wish we could be there to help you out. x