I've never experienced as many power outages in my entire life as I have since moving to Tofino! And last monday took the prize for the longest power cut I've ever experienced. We had not a spark of power from 8am to 7pm. To top things off it was a dark, rainy and windy day. Breakers wasn't open but Neil had some things to do for most of the morning so the kids and I sat and read about a million Thomas the Tank engine books (my favorite. not!) and ate everything we could find that didn't require cooking. Bare in mind that everything in our house is powered by electricity so we had no stove, no kettle, no heat. By midday I was really starting to crave something to warm me up when I remembered that the trailer has a propane stove! Bingo! We grabbed a bag of marshmallows and some instant hot chocolate and went and sat in the trailer on the driveway. The kids, who love the trailer beyond belief, had a whale of a time and kept remarking on how "delifush" the hot chocolate was.

When Neil got home he had picked up some burgers from a BBQ he'd come across outside the surf shop (score!) so we munched those then all had a nap. When we awoke Seb flicked the light switch on and off frantically......still no power. By this time it'd stopped raining so we all went to the beach....

The sea was rough and very dramatic but the sun was trying to peek out of the clouds and it tunred out to be just what we all needed after being cooped up in a cold dark house all day.

We even found a massive sand dollar washed up by the rough waves! It's the first totally intact one I've found so I was pretty pleased.

When we got home we discovered the power was back on just in time for the kids to have a slightly luke warm bath. Once they were tucked up in bed Neil and I settled into our nightly instalment of Big Brother UK. All was good until.....a little flicker....then darkness. NOT AGAIN!!
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