Wednesday, September 14, 2011

chasing summer in the Alberni Valley....

I'm a little behind on the blogging front and uploaded all the photos for this post about two weeks ago. Lots has happened between then and now so I'm racking my poor little brain trying to remember what I wanted to write. We headed inland in desperate search of some warmth and boy did we find it! As beautiful as Tofino is, it's a little on the cool side and we were missing out on some real summer heat. All you have to do is drive an hour or so over the mountains and you can find it in the Alberni Valley!

Here's Seb and Bel nakedy-nude after their first river swim. The river ran right through the campground and it was the absolute perfect temperature for swimming.

Sully also enjoyed a dip. Unfortunately he also enjoys "drying off" in the mud afterwards.

We happened to hit town at the same time as the Fall Fair and decided to give it a visit. It was like "Anti Tofino!"......tons of people, bright lights, noises, plasticky colours and fast food everywhere. To be honest I think we all found it a little overwhelming after becoming accustomed to our sleepy little lives on the beach. Seb freaked out on the giant slide, Bel loved it! They both had too much suspiciously colourful lemonade, partied hard then crashed. All in the space of about five minutes.

Back at camp things were a lot more peaceful. We stayed at a farm by the Somass river and our bus was parked right next to the goat pen making for some rather loud morning goat noises. It seems goat's like their breakfast early and can make quite a fuss until Mrs Farmer arrives with it. Our first morning Neil and Seb set off early to town to pick up some breakfast (bare in mind that we live in the middle of nowhere so now, when we camp, it's nice to hit up Starbucks and Superstore!) Bel and I were left behind and had a chance to do some farm exploration in our pj's.

It was a hot day (wooohoooo!!!) and we hit the lake! Unfortunately I didn't risk taking the camera because I knew we'd pretty much all be in the water but let me tell you it was wonderful!! I've swum in lakes in Alberta but they didn't compare to this one! It was perfectly clear and warm and surrounded by beautiful mountains and forest.....It's official, I love Sproat Lake! The kids loved it even more than we did and were far too adventurous in the water. And all I have to show for it is our soggy clothes hung out to dry in the afternoon heat....

We had a great time away, so nice to get a change of scenery (and the odd Mcdonalds of course!)


Anonymous said...

Oh my golly gosh, gee-wiz, goodness me... these photos are amazing. I almost feel like I'm there with you, instead of being laid-up on the sofa all night in agony... HA!

It looks like you had an amazing time and know the best places to go. I'm a bit jealous. You just couldn't have such a summery and relaxing looking camping trip in this country. It would just never look the same would it?

One day we have to do this sort of thing all together.


Anonymous said...

Oh... and what FANTASTIC Martin Parr-esque photos o the carnival! Worth all that food colouring in the lemonade just for the cool photos! Love them. x