Friday, March 10, 2006

Banana Loaf Telepathy

I have never baked a Banana loaf before. My sister has never baked a Banana Loaf before. As children we never ate Banana Loaf. I can safely say that I'm 99% certain that neither one of us has ever eaten Banana loaf, EVER! Now, given our apparent disassociation with banana loaves, not to mention my usually total disassociation with cooking in general, isn't it odd that on the same day, in two different towns, miles apart both of us decided we wanted to go out and buy a loaf tin for the single and same aim of baking a banana loaf? Twighlight zone or...... a simple case of sisterly banana loaf telepathy?


Anonymous said...

Well Sophie, I am at work as you know, checking out the Blog when i noticed that you seem to be writing about bannana loaf, oh ummmmmmmm, mmmmmmm Bannannnnnnnaaa loafffff. Can I have more?

Anonymous said...

I had banana Loaf once. I think they forgot to peal them. It wasn't very nice.