Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hello everybody!

This is doog by the way, posing as usual.

It seems that people are actually reading this blog. This comes as a bit of a surprise to us having set up the blog so that we could keep family updated with our move to Canada. Really just thought that a few people we know would have a look now and then. Well as you can see we received a comment from a fellow blogger in New Zealand, hi Kelvin! You couldn't really get any further away than that! Then the next thing we know we are getting an email from our friend Jo at Orca homes (hi Jo!) telling us that the new owner of the Orca spec house out in Beaumont found our blog too. Hi-de-ho neighbour! If you visit again please leave a comment and don't forget to check out our picture gallery for more photos of the house etc. The link is up on the right.

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