I promised Bel banana muffins today but someone stole the second to last banana. With one banana and little enthusiasm I turned to google and came upon a brilliant idea! Cookies made with one cup of dry oats and one banana. That's it. Two ingredients. Hurrah!
Mix them up, scoop the mix onto a cookie sheet and bake at 350F for about 15 minutes.
No sugar, no mess. Just healthy yummy-ness! It could not be any easier!
I was sceptical that the mix would not stay together, I used an icecream scoop and packed it quite tight before dumping it onto the cookie sheet. They came out perfectly! The oats on the outside were crisp and the centre of the cookies were just perfectly chewy. They were just sweet enough as is but of course you could fancy them up by adding berries or chocolate chips. They are the perfect emergency snack!
I'm so impressed and so were the kiddies, check out Isobel's face......
She's taken one bite and she's already eyeing up the rest of the plate! They were gone in a flash!
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