Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One man and his dog....

I haven't taken many pictures of Sully lately so I'm sure you'll all be shocked at his MASSIVENESS! Not to mention his scruffy curley-wurleyness. He's such a cutie pie and an all round good boy. He's the most loving and friendly doggy I think I've ever known, there is nothing Sully wants more in the whole wide world than a big cuddle and I think it's so sweet.
He's also become a champion swimmer and fetcher (hmmm, I think retriever would be the correct term) both of which were totally foreign concepts to good old Doogs. His only fault is his smellyness and that's only down to his constant insistence on swimming in any old stagnant lake, pond or puddle he can find.

Loving his cuddles! And Sully quite liked it too.

Don't know if you can see in this picture but Sully has the loveliest eyelashes ever! They're all long and floaty just like Snuffleupagus!

And here's my gorgeous husband who didn't want his picture taken ;) I love this picture, he looks so handsome I just want to stare into his beautiful eyes.
love you Nal X

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