Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Mmmmm...freshly cleaned baby!

There's not much in life as good as a freshly bathed baby. In my book it's up there with bicycle rides on the beach at sunset and dark chocolate digestives dunked in tea, mmmmm nomnom nom! 

After quite a few noisy and rather frantic baths with Silas screaming as if his life depended on it he's recently figured out that bathing can actually be something to enjoy. This new discovery means he now sits there all chilled out (but still with his trademark big wide eyes) just enjoying the lapping warmth of the water and a soft washcloth. 
Of course now he wails when I take him out the water :) but usually not for too long, then we get to enjoy extra snuggles with him all pink and lovely.

P.S please ignore the dirty dishes in the other side of the sink, bathing next to dirty dishes is certainly not the grossest thing about my house right now. I promise his side was clean :)

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