Monday, February 10, 2014

Quick baby sling project....

Bel's birthday is coming up and one of the things I've bought her is a lovely handmade Waldof doll. Shhh! Don't tell her! I've been looking around at clothing and other bits and pieces to go with her new dolly and one of the things I kept searching for was a baby sling. I've seen a few really nice ones online but sheesh are they pricey!  In the end I decided to have a go at making one. I honestly don't know why I didn't think of it earlier! It was so easy! I used a lovely scrap of fabric I had left over from the baby quilt and whipped it up in about 20 minutes. I did a quick scan of Pinterest and came across this tutorial.  It couldn't have been easier and the I honestly think the end result is waaaay nicer than all the slings I've seen in the shops! I gave her the sling right away just because I was so excited and she hasn't taken it off since. Yippee for successful sewing and lovely handmade toys!

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