Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hi-de-ho neighbour!

After our trip up to Sulphur Mountain on Saturday we arrived home to find Bambi on our driveway! It's been quite a week of wildlife encounters for us...Neil came across a grizzly munching on some bushes right behind him while he stopped for a roadside pee on his way back from BC (photographic evidence is on his facebook page, if I remember I'll try and repost it here too.) The night before that I was letting Sully out for a late night piddle and surprised a coyote. We didn't spot each other until we were about two feet away at which point the Coyote froze and just stared up at me for a few seconds until Sully (who had been completely obliviously sniffing the ground) suddenly looked up and made a bolt toward the coyote. The coyote jumped out of his skin and dashed across the road where he stopped and stared at us for a moment before ambling away into the dark. Not Nat Geo worthy encounters I'm sure but cool nonetheless :)

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