Wednesday, May 15, 2013

About time for some new photos!

Here I go again apologising for not updating my blog! Sorry folks! Seems to be becoming a bit of a habit eh? I blame instagram. It's just too easy to snap a pic on my phone and leave it at that. Knowing that it appears here on the blog right away also means I feel like I'm keeping you all updated and I guess I kind of am but theres no subsitute for some nice big photos taken with a real camera is there now?
I've been trying to spend a bit of time concentrating on enjoying myself lately. After the massive ups and downs of the last couple of years we've ended up in this beautiful place and one moment I feel really great about that then the next moment I'm twisting myself into knots reminiscing about our Tofino life that I wasn't ready to leave. I'm starting to realize that these moments of nostalgia/regret or whatever other negative feeling pops up are getting me nowhere and that while I can allow myself to I feel that way every so often, I mustn't let it get in the way of enjoying the life I have right now. 
So that's what I've been doing. I've been on a mission to concentrate on what is happening in the moment.  Not the past and not the future. It's called mindfulness. It's actually quite fun and rewarding once you really give it a try. The idea is to be fully present for whatever you are doing, if I'm drinking a cup of tea, I concentrate on the process and feeling of drinking a cup of tea rather than letting my thoughts wander off this way and that. If you haven't already given it a go you should try it. Next time your doing something mundane like washing some dishes, concentrate on the act of washing dishes and do it well. Enjoy the feeling of the warm water and the soap suds. The feeling of satisfaction when a few dishes are gleaming and clean, even the scent of your soap :) Then try to apply this to as many things in your day as possible. I promise it works! Anyway, I hope you don't think I'm going completely loopy, just a little step in my journey that has really made a difference to me :) 
Now, here are a few photos from the dog walk Bel, Sully and I took this morning. It was a perfect morning walk. We breathed the cool air in deeply, stopped a few times along the way to listen to the birds and paused by the pond to admire the reflections....until Sully dove in and then we admired the ripples :)

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Capt. MZ Toxic and bar! said...

Startlingly BOOTIFUL folks!!! Bikes I saw! but has Seb one too? The PICS are 'TRIFFIC, a beautiful locale, u have made a great choice!Looks like theres NOTHING u don't have in and around Canmore, lucky you!I enjoyed my phone chat with Neil he is MUCH more relaxed now and much happier too! and I'm sure he will do really well and move onwards and upwards, he has I think, found his niche! I'm sure Sophie that you are delighted with all the changes plus the fact that he is out of the clutches of the EPS!!! Relief is the word. Just Breakers to sort out and you and he will be even happier I think. Its a pity as Tofino was a great place too! Right well happy cycling folks and I'm sure Seb will soon be too, not sure about Bel tho? a nice little bike would be nice tho!AND