Monday, January 16, 2012

Greeting 2012...

There were no parties for us this year. We spent our last evening of 2011 sitting around our fire pit snuggeld under blankies and eating s'mores. The kids were unusually peaceful and as I watched Seb stare into the flickering flames, I recognized the dreamy state of complete and utter peace that comes over me when I sit by a fire in the woods. He closed his eyes and I smiled and asked if he wanted to go to bed, he replied " no Mummy, I want to stay here, I'm just having a relaxing nap".  My smile grew bigger and I felt happy, as happy as I have all year. My kids, at the age of 2 and 4, appreciate the beauty of a cold night spent sitting out in the trees being warmed by a fire and that to me is heaven.

2011 was the year that brought us here to the wild west coast of BC. We've had plenty of stresses since we've been here and days that have had us both feeling so very low that we didn't really know how to pull ourselves up again but I can safely say that I have had more moments of complete peace and more moments of complete wonder and amazement and joy than any other year in my life. Where 2012 will take us I don't know but wherever it is I will do my best to take with me as much of that peace and wonder and amazement and joy as I can possibley carry.

Happy new year everyone!

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