Monday, October 20, 2008

Seb's birthday cake......

I really wanted to to make a birthday cake for Sebastian's first birthday but unfortunately I'm not much of a baker and the whole idea had me in a bit of a panic. For weeks I was trying to think of ideas for a cake that would be easy enough for me to create and still spectacular enough for his very first birthday party. After lots of inspiration from Kate and a bit of searching online for ideas I decided I would make a rubber ducky cake seeing as Seb is so fond of his bath time pals. So to cut a long and boring story short, here it is....
My three freshly baked cakes that would eventually form the rubber ducky masterpiece.

With a bit of trimming and the addition of a dried apricot tail you can sort of see a duck shape.....

Now for some yellow frosting....

Seb examining his duck to check that I got the details right.

More sticky yellow stuff.

Seb looking dismayed at my lack of progress.

A duck! Woo hooo!

The final cake complete with blue coconut bath water and mint bubbles.

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