Monday, October 22, 2007

Little Seb is settling in.

Poor old Doogie is wondering what the hell happened. He keeps bringing me his stuffed toys and pairs of socks and dropping them at my lap. He is so worried that little Seb has taken his spot in the family. Doogy is still the top dog!

Poor old doogs. Its OK buddy we still love you.
Sophie and little Seb managed to take a nap together before lunch. Seb kept us awake all night, I swear he is nocturnal. I guess I will have to change as well.


All the flowers Sophie received from Mandy and Kelly, Audrey and the team at Homes by Avi, Sarah and Nigel, Malcolm from work and a crappy bunch from me which I got from a convenience store. All I could manage as I was with her most of the time! Thought that counts though, right?

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