Sunday, July 15, 2007

A new set of wheels....

On Saturday we went to pick up a special delivery....our new set of wheels! Toni and Gordon very generously bought us a"Quinny Freestyle 4 Travel System" for the baby. They ordered it online and had it delivered to a pick-up point in Beaumont. We were both very excited (until we opened the box and realized we had to put it together.) It was about 33 degrees which didn't help matters. I mostly just stood in front of a fan and read instructions while Neil slaved away. He did a very good job indeed! Well done Neil and THANK YOU VERY MUCH TONI AND GORDON!!!!!

The box.

Neil makes a terrible discovery.....assembly required.

"Hmmmmm....where do I start??"

Looking good! At least it has wheels!

Even Doog couldn't handle the heat.


1 comment:

Lisa and Tim said...

That looks pretty tricky.... hehe! Hope your all doing well!I have good news, Tim n I are getting married....! Hope to speak to you soon
Lisa x x x x