Yesterday we went to "Capital X", Edmonton's annual festival/carnival/party/show thing. We met up with Jake and Erin and spent the day wandering around in the hot sun watching
Chinese acrobats and stunt bikers and eating ice cream. The other's enjoyed a nice cold beer in the liquor tent but I had to stick to soft stuff. I tried a non-alcoholic
margarita but it was really just a
Slurpee and all it did was turn my
tongue blue. It was another scorcher of a day, the thermometer in the car read 46 degrees when left the parking area! Other than being a little on the warm side we all enjoyed ourselves.
Mmmmmm...Ice cream!!!
Neil, standing on one leg with his hands in the air (why? I don't know.)
Neil, Jake and Erin.

Neil and I cooling off under a brolly in the beer enclosure.

Blue tongue. Nice!

Freaky stunt bikers in the big air show.

This one reminds me of E.T.

Neil and I and the huge tummy posing under the big-air biker.

Damn those beers looked good!

Jake and Erin.


Well, after our day out we all headed back to our house for a BBQ. Mandy, Kelly and Nigel joined us (Sarah...we missed you!!). We ate and chatted and then Kelly
erected his fire pit and we toasted marshmallows. It was a good night.

The boys and their beers. (I think I was a little more envious of the beer drinking by this stage.)

Erin, Mandy and me.

You can tell from the assortment of dinosaur toys, building blocks and empty bottles on the table that we party hard! And yes, that is a tambourine you can see in the foreground.

fire pit up and flaming in out back garden.