Friday, July 04, 2014


 Our wee little baby is growing so quickly, he's not yet three months old but somehow he's already turning into the most hilarious and cheeky little character! He has so many expressions and when he smiles his whole face seems to light up into a gorgeous ball of happiness! :) On the other hand the boy can cry! And it's no feeble little wimper, when he cry's you feel like you can't be within 20 feet without popping an eardrum! 

We've figured out that he likes to keep busy and he definitely doesn't like to be laid down flat on his back! If he's awake he wants to be in the thick of the action. 

 The big kids have been amazing with Silas! They both love him so much and it's really cute to watch them together. They both want to hold him all the time and that seems to be the most common argument around here at the moment :)

Isobel smothers him in kisses from dawn till dusk and for the most part he seems to rather like all the attention. 

 If he's not in the mood though.......his little bottom lip will start to stick out, his chin will quiver and he stares at me as if to say "Mummy get me outta here!" before releasing his almighty scream! Usually Bel still won't want to let go. 


grandma said...

Darling Sophie and Neil! amazing pictures make love and cry as my grandchildren are so beautiful and the pictures with Isobel and Silas are so funny...i laughed ad laughed with tears in my eyes.... love you all so very much and so very proud of both of you,you are simply the best!! XXXXXXXXX

grandma said...

Aww! what a magnificent picture! XXXX