Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer at North Chesterman Beach.....

I've been lucky enough to have seen some nice beaches in my life but Chesterman Beach on a perfect sunny day is about as good as it gets in my book. 

1 comment:

O. Tigre. RTD. said...

Now, that's my kind of country/beach! takes me back a lot of years very very nostalgic, WHY, because its ALL so familiar, which I may have said before! As usual Sophie the PICS are really really 'traffic, Seb and Bel are having the time of their lives, they LOVE it there, as you do and Neil too, oh, forgot Sully, he thinks that is a dog heaven!!! As I have said Sophie I have been somewhat SLOW in commenting! So, once again I shall TRY to send this, looks a tad more difficult this time. But..........here goes!G

