Saturday, May 09, 2009

An open house, a trip to the zoo and a big fall....

Little did we know that it's not only Humpy Dumpty who had a great fall.....

Today was a funny old day. We had an open house and had to vacate the premises so that a load of strangers could wander around our home to see if they wanted to buy it. Neil had been on nights and spent the morning sleeping in the basement in an effort to keep out my way as I went on a cleaning frenzy before anyone arrived. Seb spent the latter part of the morning in the van watching Finding Nemo, this was my bright idea to keep him quiet and out the way whilst I cleaned. It turned out to be not such a bright idea when I realized that the DVD player had run down the battery in the van with just minutes to go before the open house was supposed to begin, ooops! I had to wake Neil up earlier than planned and get him to jump start the van which was already loaded with both kid's and a day's worth of kid parephenalia. Anyway, we eventually left the house and headed aimlessly into Edmonton. We ate Mcdonalds overlooking the pond in Millwoods and discussed where we should spend the next few hours and evetually decided on the Valley Zoo. We've never been before because everyone I've spoken to about it says it's a bit crap. So with low expectations we were on our way.
The zoo was actually slightly better than I expected and we were quite enjoying ourselves until Seb had a nasty fall off a static choo choo train landing straight onto the concrete on his head! Neil and I both panicked and we seriously thought it was going to be a hospital job but thankfully after a couple of scary minutes we realized he was ok, just a little shocked and probably minus one or two more brain cells. After the fall we never really regained our enthusiasm for the zoo and were happy when it was finally time to head home. The open house apparetnly went well and I'm sure someone will make an offer based entirely on the lovely smell of freshly baked pie thanks to Jo who had popped one in the oven just after we left, these realtors and their tricks eh! I enjoyed eating the pie!

This one was taken right before he fell backwards off the train!

Neil flosses the whales teeth with Seb.

"What happens if I pull this red thing daddy?"

2 pounds worth of black sheep. (My Dad used to say whoever spots a black sheep gets 50p)

Sheep are very, very rare in Alberta, that must be why they have so many at the Zoo.

Seb pets a nice dangley eared goat. I believe these must also be rare in Alberta.

Aww, this one was cute. He almost looks like he's smiling.

I love elephants I do! Look at his face, he's amazing!

The weather changed drastically during the course of our day out and as we headed back down 50th street towards Beaumont the storm was rolling in so I took a few snaps from the car window.

Moody sky over St Vital church.

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