29th July 2006..... Party Day.
The party was due to start at 1800. As usual I had last minute issues to sort first.
I had the man who bought the smart car coming at 1700 to pick the car up. At the same time my motorcycle was due to be picked up from the shop where it was being repaired! While all this was happening the person who bought my bike had to come at 1700 aswell!
I was running around looking for the log books and paperwork sweating and trying to keep calm. As my bike left with proud new owner straddled on it, the door bell had rang and buyer number 2 was standing there wanting the keys to the smart car!! Sheeeesh that was close.
All done. I am now the owner of nothing but a plane ticket to Canada and that feels kinda good.
Welcome to Canada!
Hey guy's hope you all got there ok. Look forward to hearing from you.
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