Yesterday was Canada Day and it is only right that we should celebrate the birthday of our (soon to be) new home country. I took a Canadian flag to work and stuck it on the front desk expecting to be asked all day why it was there. In fact I only received a couple of quizical looks, mostly from people telling me off for not flying the St Georges cross on the day of an England world cup match (England lost and we are out but I will not be held responsible!). So my maple leaf flag sailed unnoticed, on the way home I held it out the car window to flap in the wind amoungst the sea of St Georges stuck to what seems to be every other car window and then I stuck it into a plant pot in my mums garden where it still flies now, O Canada! Happy Birthday!
Other than my bit of flag-waving the day would have passed without further a-do. That is if it weren't for Doogie.....who had apparently been harbouring a rather unfriendly parasite under his front leg for some time. We found it and had great fun trying to pin Doog down and remove the icky tick with a pair of tweezers. To try and cheer him up after the trauma we took him down to the beach for a stroll. It was a realy nice warm evening so I grabed the camera to take few photos. We were having a great time until Doog decided to have a little sprint through the mud and ended up covered in thick Medway tar. When we got home we remembered that the garden hose doesn't work and Neil had the bright idea of trying to get the dirty dog all the way up to the third floor bathroom....needless to say it took us a long time to clean up. Thank goodness my Mum wasn't home at he time.
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