Cheeky punk!......That's what Isobel has taken to calling everyone recently. Like the lady in the post office, our new neighbours, random strangers in safeway. Sometimes she varies it up a bit and says Sneaky Chump instead but either way she's using it A LOT and I'm not really sure where she even got it from. Definitely not something I've been calling her! Then theres "crap nuggets!" Used in the context of something not going to plan, like "Crapnuggets! My chubby mermaid is stuck in Daddy's boot" or "Crapnuggets! I'm too widdle to weach Sebbie's wight saver!" I know for a fact crap nuggets is from the movie Megamind so we can at least blame Dreamworks for that one! The worrying thing is her choice of expletives are quite catchy and now I'm even saying them!
1 comment:
Glad Bel has'nt seen DIRTY HARRY! as it would be Well. do you, PUNK? so on a comparitive level not too bad! Good also that she does not have a .44 MAGNUM, what fun she would have haha! Probably Sophie a passing, hopefully, phase, tho not too sure about CRAPNUGGETS???? COMBINED then you have Crapnuggets, cheeky punk!!!!Does Seb have any FAVOURITE WORDS? or only Calamity Bel!!!Oh, the Canmore stage is a comin over the trail and so on !!!!! Sun here today and NO SNOW!!!!!
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