......in a little bowl? Roasted and salted? Perhaps even sprinkled over a salad? Yes, that's how I used to eat them too but not anymore folks! Not now that I have discovered the wonder of eating nuts in cheesecake form! Yes....I said cheesecake.
Seriously, who knew that blending up a bunch of nuts could ever, in a million years, resemble a cheesecake.
Behold the evidence. Looks like cheesecake, tastes like cheesecake. Just none of that yucky artery clogging cheese stuff.
Blown away by my recent discovery of raw brownies, I started investigating a little more and came across this recipe for a raw raspberry cashew dreamcake. Once again, it's made with all kinds of good stuff, cashew nuts, lemon juice, raspberries and honey with a date and walnut crust. You whizz it all up in a blender, stick it in the freezer and hey presto, probably one of the prettiest things I've ever made (other than Miss Bel of course.)
I think I'm hooked on this raw food malarky!
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