If you follow my instagram you'll know we were back in Tofino for a visit. It was prompted by some issues we needed to deal with at Breakers but well overdue in my book anyway. I just needed to go there. As soon as we were off the ferry I felt like we were home. I can't really describe the feeling, I just feel totally at ease when I'm on that Island, it's just where I'm meant to be :) We were there for 5 days and although there was some serious business to deal with we also had some time to catch up with friends, walk on the beach and just take in all the feelings of being there. It was so nice to be back in town, in Tofino it's not uncommon for people to get out of town for a few months at a time and everybody, even the lady in the Co Op welcomed us back so warmly! It seems we were missed! We stayed at Ocean Village, just down the road from our old house. The day we ventured into the pool turned out to be local swim day and as the people trickled in through the doors we realized we knew everyone! It turned into quite the catch up session!
I took my real camera out of it's bag only once and even then I only took a few shots. I just didn't feel the need to be fiddling around trying to get good pictures, all I wanted was to take deep breaths of ocean filled air and watch my kids (and my dog) loving every minute of their beach time. Sully was over the moon to be back! You could totally tell he was smiling, I've never seen him look as happy to be anywhere! I instagrammed a lot and the photo above is one from my phone that just makes me smile. I remember in that moment just thinking how this scene and everything in it was perfect!
We checked in on our stuff in the storage unit and discovered a bit of mould (not a big surprise in Tofino) and Neil ended up spending a morning moving furniture by boat over to Strawberry Island. Our sofa is now lucky enough to be living on a float home. Is it weird to be jealous of a sofa?
Needless to say when the time came to leave I felt a lump in my throat and a horrible resurgence of all the feelings from last year. I just want us to be there and it really sucks that right now we can't be. The few days after we got back I felt really down in the dumps and it's only just the last couple of days that I'm starting to pull myself out of that slump again. I can't dwell on what I had or what other people are having, I just have to get on with things, be happy with all the wonderful things I do have and hope that one day things might all just fall into place.